• English

  • Freshman Literature and Composition

    Freshman Literature and Composition focuses on the concepts of inquiry and expression, illustrating how authors write creatively and in depth about their own lives. The texts cover experiences relevant to our world and students’ personal lives, balancing contemporary offerings with canonical texts to assure a comprehensive reading experience. Students will read texts as a class, in small groups, and independently analyze fiction, drama, poetry and nonfiction throughout the year. They will have the opportunity in a reading/writing workshop to analyze and discuss the author's craft, closely read and annotate excerpted passages and/or companion texts, apply reading skills and strategies, and engage in thematic discussions on essential questions. Students will compose and revise both analytical and creative pieces of writing. Analytical essays provide students with an opportunity to examine both literary and visual texts and construct arguments. Students will also craft pieces of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry working with models read in class. Throughout the year, teachers encourage students to use inquiry as a tool to express their unique identity and ideas. Honors Freshman Literature and Composition will use the same curricular structure and assessments as Freshman Literature and Composition; however, the mastery of skills, the quality of final drafts, and the quantity of work within the units will be faster paced and more in depth.

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  • Sophomore Literature and Composition

    Sophomore Literature and Composition explores how students’ reading and writing can empower them to make positive contributions to society and create change in the world. Centered on the themes of power and change, Sophomore Literature and Composition builds on the reading and writing skills of Freshman Literature and Composition. Students will read, analyze, and discuss texts as a whole class, and in small groups, as well as sustain their independent reading. Students will read, analyze, and write critically about a variety of genres of literature, including fiction, nonfiction, poetry and drama. They will also compose and revise creative pieces of nonfiction, fiction and poetry throughout the year. Unique to Sophomore Literature and Composition is the blended research paper where students will engage in a long-term research and writing project. Throughout the reading, writing and research, Sophomore Literature and Composition encourages students to examine how writers use language to create, construct, and change society. Honors Sophomore Literature and Composition will use the same curricular structure and assessments as Sophomore Literature and Composition; however, the mastery of skills, the quality of final drafts, and the quantity of work within the units will be at a faster pace and more in depth.

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  • Junior Literature and Composition

    Junior Literature and Composition builds on ninth and tenth grade coursework by centering on inquiry and synthesis. Students will build understanding and acknowledge personal bias by reading diverse perspectives and multiple genres and by studying and practicing multiple modes of composition for a variety of audiences and purposes. This foundational work will support students during the second semester when conducting independent inquiry projects. Students will investigate a question, conduct research, and create a multimedia presentation for a public audience. These learning experiences will also integrate multiple opportunities for students to practice the skills needed on the ACT and to compose a college/scholarship essay.

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  • Senior Literature and Composition

    How am I “other?” How do we use language and stories to shape our feelings about the group we identify with and how we identify “the other?” Seniors will explore how we are both “self” and “other” through diverse texts. As students prepare for their lives after KHS, they will enjoy rich and varied opportunities to explore their own conceptions of self and other, examining those conceptions through the study of many voices from many cultures.

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  • AP Language and Composition

    The AP English Language and Composition course focuses on the development and revision of evidence-based analytic and argumentative writing, the rhetorical analysis of nonfiction texts, and the decisions writers make as they compose and revise. Students evaluate, synthesize, and cite research to support their arguments. Additionally, they read and analyze rhetorical elements and their effects in nonfiction texts—including images as forms of text—from a range of disciplines and historical periods.

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  • AP Literature and Composition

    The AP English Literature and Composition course focuses on reading, analyzing, and writing about imaginative literature (fiction, poetry, drama) from various periods. Students engage in close reading and critical analysis of imaginative literature to deepen their understanding of the ways writers use language to provide both meaning and pleasure. As they read, students consider a work’s structure, style, and themes, as well as its use of figurative language, imagery, and symbolism. Writing assignments include expository, analytical, and argumentative essays that require students to analyze and interpret literary works.

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  • Public Speaking

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  • Reading Focus

    Reading is a problem-solving, message-getting process that increases in strength with practice. Students are immersed in daily opportunities to explore, inquire, practice and apply reading strategies and skills in a variety of genres to advance toward grade level reading in addition to becoming self-motivated readers. Computer software applications will serve as tools to advance comprehension. Students will learn how to effectively use before, during, and after reading strategies, build vocabulary, improve fluency, and select their own independent reading texts in order to become more informed citizens.They will independently use their learning to grapple with increasingly complex texts from a variety of genres and time periods to gain a reservoir of literary and cultural knowledge.

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  • ELL Language

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