• Course Description

    Students in French II will continue the progressive development of the language skills which they learned in French I. They will expand their knowledge of vocabulary, grammar and linguistic structures. They will further investigate the cultures and civilizations of the French- speaking countries through special research projects. Students will practice their conversational skills through dramatization, cooperative learning, paired practice, oral presentations and class discussions. In class, students will express themselves in French whenever possible. They will complete daily homework assignments and will show proficiency through oral interviews, written quizzes, presentations, in-class compositions, spontaneous conversational skills and unit exams.

    Grade Level(s): 9th-12th grade

    Related Priority Standards (State &/or National):  Missouri Course Level Expectations - World Languages

    Essential Questions

    • How does learning a language help you understand the cultures that are different than yours?
    • How am I part of a global community?
    • How will I use my language skills outside of the classroom?
    • How can I be competitive in a world job market?
    • How does language connect individuals and cultures promoting empathy and tolerance?

    Enduring Understandings/Big Ideas

    The study of a world language and the ability to communicate with it foster a life-long appreciation and an open mind for cultures different from our own in a 21st century global society: "knowing how, when, and why to say what to whom (ACTFL 2006)."

    Course-Level Scope & Sequence (Units &/or Skills)

    Unit:  Communication

    Students will communicate effectively in target language in order to function in a variety of situations and for multiple purposes with the following topics:

    1. Interpersonal Communication - Learners will interact and negotiate meaning in spoken, signed, or written conversations to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions.
      1. Students will sustain a conversation including descriptions on selected topics about themselves and others.
      2. Students will ask and answer a variety of questions, giving reasons for their answers.
      3. Students will state personal preferences and feelings with some explanation.
      4. Students will elaborate on possible solutions to a problem related to a personal need.
      5. Students will ask for simplification and suggest alternative words to ensure understanding.
    2. Interpretive Communication - Learners understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard, read, or viewed on a variety of topics.
      1. Students will understand and interpret selected materials on topics of personal interest.
      2. Students derive meaning through use of prediction, prefixes, suffixes, root words, words similar to English, contextual clues, and word order.
      3. Students understand and interpret spoken and written language that incorporates familiar vocabulary and structures.
      4. Students comprehend the main idea and supporting ideas of selected authentic materials.
    3. Presentational Communication - Learners will present information, concepts, and ideas to inform, explain, persuade, and narrate on a variety of topics using appropriate media and adapting to various audiences of listeners, readers, or viewers.
      1. Students present student-created and/or authentic short plays and skits.
      2. Students write and deliver short presentations.
      3. Students give simple directions to a classmate in order to complete a task.
      4. Students tell a story incorporating some description and detail.
      5. Students write compositions and letters.

    Unit:  Cultures

    Interact with cultural competence and understanding using the following topics:

    1. Relating Cultural Practices to Perspectives - Learners will use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the cultures studied.
      1. Students interact with culturally appropriate patterns of behavior in everyday situations.
      2. Students compare and contrast activities from other cultures to their own.
      3. Students identify common beliefs and attitudes within the cultures studied and compare them to their own beliefs and attitudes.
    2. Relating Cultural Products to Perspectives - Students will begin to use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationships between the practices and perspectives of the cultures studied.
      1. Students compare objects and symbols from other cultures to those found in their own culture.
      2. Students identify major contributions and historical figures from the cultures studied that are significant in the world today.
      3. Students identify historical and contemporary influences from other cultures that impact today's society.

    Unit:  Connections

    Students connect with other disciplines and acquire information and diverse perspectives in order to use the language.

    1. Making Connections - Students will build, reinforce, and expand their knowledge of other disciplines while beginning to use the language to develop critical thinking and to solve problems creatively.
      1. Students talk about topics from other school subjects.
      2. Students comprehend short developmentally appropriate sources in target language on topics being studied in other classes.
      3. Students present oral or written reports in target language on topics being studied in other classes.
    2. Acquiring Information and Diverse Perspectives - Learners access and evaluate information and diverse perspectives that are available through the language and its cultures.  Students read, watch, listen to, and begin to talk about age and developmentally appropriate authentic materials.

    Unit:  Comparisons

    Learners access and evaluate information and diverse perspectives that are available through the language and its cultures.

    1. Language Comparisons - Students will begin to use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.
      1. Students will use cognates to enhance spoken and written language.
      2. Students will recognize the role of dialect, slang, and age/status/gender-differentiated speech.
      3. Students will demonstrate awareness that languages have critical sound distinctions that must be mastered in order to communicate meaning.
    2. Cultural Comparisons - Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.
      1. Students will hypothesize about the relationship between cultural perspectives and practices (e.g., holidays, celebrations, work habits) by analyzing selected practices from the target and native culture.
      2. Students will recognize verbal and non-verbal behavior in activities among friends, classmates, family members, and teachers in the target and native culture, and compare/contrast with their own.
      3. Students will hypothesize about the relationship between cultural perspectives and expressive products (e.g., visual and performing arts, both traditional and contemporary) by analyzing selected products from the target culture and their own.

    Unit:  Communities

    Students will be encouraged to communicate and interact with cultural competence in order to participate in multilingual communities at home and around the world.

    1. School and Global Communities - Students will use the language both within and beyond the classroom to interact and collaborate in their community and the globalized world.
      1. Students will be encouraged to communicate orally or in writing with members of the target culture regarding topics of personal interest, community, or world concerns.
      2. Students will be encouraged to interact with members of the local community to learn how they use target language in their professional and personal lives.
      3. Students will be encouraged to participate in activities that benefit the school or community.
    2. Lifelong Learning - Students will set goals and reflect on their progress in using languages for enjoyment, enrichment, and advancement.
      1. Students will begin to read materials and/or use media from the target languages for enjoyment or personal growth.
      2. Students will play sports or games from the culture.
      3. Students will be encouraged to consult various sources in the language to obtain information on topics of personal interest.
      4. Students will be encouraged to travel and/or imaginary travel.
      5. Students will attend or view via media cultural events and social activities.
      6. Students will use various media from the language and culture for entertainment.

    Date Last Revised/Approved: . 2014