Program Features - Kirkwood Parents as Teachers

  •  Kirkwood PAT Logo (Red "K")

    Personal Visits
     A certified parent educator, knowledgeable about child development and brain research on early learning, helps families understand what to expect as a child grows and offers practical suggestions on encouraging learning and managing challenging behavior. Families throughout pregnancy until their child enters kindergarten, may be eligible to participate in personal visits.

    Group Connections
    These meetings are designed to connect parents to experts and gain new insights into their child’s development and behavior.  The meetings will focus on topics of common interest and concern. Group Connections also include family interaction events.  These events are fun experiences for the family and other families in the community.

    Annual developmental, vision and hearing screenings will help determine whether your child has any undetected learning, sensory, or developmental delays.  If delays are suspected, we will refer you to the appropriate contact for futher evaluation.

    Community Resources
    PAT is happy to help you find connections to resources that link your family to services that are beyond the scope of what we provide.



    For information about Parents As Teachers nationally, go to the Parents As Teachers National Center website.