• Student safety and well-being are of utmost importance to the district. This includes educating our students on inappropriate sexual behavior, including inappropriate touching and sexual assault.

    From a district level, there are multiple policies that are in place addressing inappropriate sexual behavior.  In addition, there are programs in our buildings, starting at the early childhood level, that teach children about appropriate and inappropriate touching and identifying people who can help.  

    At the building level, we utilize Safe Touch, teach about sexual health, and provide additional supports and resources for our students.


    • JHG - Reporting and Investigating Child Abuse and Neglect---each of our staff members is mandated reporters for suspected abuse and neglect, including suspecting sexual abuse and assault
    • IGAEB - Sexual Health Instruction---we teach students about consent, sexual harassment, and sexual violence.
    • JG-R1 - Student Discipline Code--specifically, Standard 7: Committing Sexual Harassment or Other Sexual Misconduct, which may result in consequences up to and including long-term suspension and expulsion.  
    • JGF - Discipline Reporting and Records--It is the policy of the Kirkwood School District R-VII to report all crimes occurring on district property to law enforcement including, but not limited to, the crimes the district is required to report in accordance with the law. A list of crimes the district is required to report is included in policy JGF.
    • The district, starting in 2019, added an additional Title IX Compliance Coordinator to include a coordinator responsible for staff issues (Assistant Superintendent of Student Services) and a coordinator responsible for student issues (Asst. Superintendent of Data, Intervention, & Support).  Title IX specifically deals with sexual harassment and discrimination. 

    Within our buildings

    • At the building level, beginning in early childhood, we utilize a program called Safe Touch, provided by Jewish Family & Children's Services, to teach about distinguishing between appropriate and inappropriate touching, understanding tricks used by potential abusers, and how to report abuse.
    • Each of our students has access to a guidance counselor, school social worker, and Educational Support Counselor, all of who have training in supporting students with various issues.