• In our community, there are vocal individuals who have consistently opposed any initiative for Kirkwood Schools and seek to defeat efforts to fund public schools. KSD officials have met with the individuals, listened to concerns, and provided the information requested. Yet they remain opposed and are spreading inaccurate information throughout our community.

    KSD values transparency and would like to correct this misinformation.

    KSD Consistently Seeks Feedback from the Community using Various Avenues - In-Person, Social Media, Virtual Meetings and Direct Mail

    Specific to Prop R
    A third-party firm was used to ensure KSD listened to the community regarding addressing CURRENT overcrowding, accessibility and safety and security needs. The firm brought in more than 100 people to participate in focus group discussions to create the community survey. These individuals were invited and participate in one of the focus groups. More than 3,000 community members responded to the survey. A postcard outlining how to complete the survey online or request a paper copy was mailed to each household.

    Student Enrollment

    Student enrollment remains robust in KSD - even during the pandemic. The additional 41 classrooms are for CURRENT student enrollment and a conservative increase in enrollment of 4 to 5 percent during the next 5 years.

    If Prop R doesn't pass, class sizes will go up. We have no choice. We do not have the classroom space to create additional sections. 

    The additional classrooms are not the ONLY need in our schools. Please see information about safety and security, accessibility, and other maintenance improvements needed in our schools.

    Employees' children attending KSD schools. Every school district in St. Louis County offers this benefit to employees, except Parkway. It is a recruitment and retention practice in public education and part of the benefits package.

    Investment in Your School, Home and Community

    Great Schools are a source of pride for our community - we must keep them in good condition. School districts in Missouri have a local tax revenue stream to make major improvements to school buildings called the debt service levy. The debt service levy funds general obligation bonds used for major construction. Every school district, except Mehlville, in St. Louis County, has a debt service levy. KSD's debt service levy is one of the lowest in St. Louis County at 27 cents. The average debt service levy is 79 cents. The only schools lower than KSD are Ferguson-Florissant and Mehlville.

    Prop R is a zero-tax rate change bond proposal, which means your tax rate will not change. We are ASKING voters if we may extend our current debt to address critical needs within our schools. Prop R will NOT lead to a tax increase down the road. The additional cost for heating and cooling the additional classrooms is less than one percent of KSD's operating budget. 

    Prop R vs the Blue Option

    Prop R on April 6, 2021 ballot will make improvements to all schools. Improvements in Prop R that were not included in the $45M plan also known as the Blue Plan. Thie Blue Plan was not placed on the ballot.

    • Doubling the additional classrooms at Kirkwood High School from 7 classrooms to 15.
    • Adding a security office and secure entrance on the Essex side of the high school campus. This will give us security and visibility on both sides of the campus. 
    • Adding security cameras and exterior lighting to all schools.
    • Improved accessibility for students with special needs at six schools. Including additional ramps, lifts, and elevator upgrades. 
    • Additional art and music classrooms at Tillman and Westchester. 
    • Additional and upgraded restrooms at seven schools. 
    • Repair and maintenance of infrastructure such as heating, cooling, windows, and doors. 


    Prop S was on the ballot in June (postponed from April 2020). 

    The main difference between Prop R and Prop S is that Prop S included a new elementary school on the 13-acre property at Lindeman and Dougherty Ferry, which has been owned by the District since 1960s.  

    Prop R does not include a new elementary school. The additions outlined above are also notable differences between Prop R and Prop S.