The Right Reasons for North Glendale Elementary

Prop R Projects at North Glendale

Projected Improvements:

    • Secure entrance to improve visitor management

    • Accessibility and safety improvements

    • Upgraded restrooms

    • Additional and updated security cameras and lighting around the perimeter of the building  

Jennifer Sisul

A Note from the Principal:

  • “The bond proposal has a huge implication for NG in that it would allow for a new, safe and secure entrance to be constructed. We are currently the only elementary WITHOUT a secure entrance leaving students and staff at risk.”

    Jennifer Sisul, North Glendale Principal

The Right Reasons for North Glendale Improvements:

  • The plan is to create a new front office and provide one access point for families and visitors to North Glendale Elementary School. The school secretary will buzz visitors into a front atrium before allowing access to the office. Once the visitor is buzzed into the office, they can drop off any needed items or meet with administrative personnel. 

    If a visitor has a reason to leave the main office and enter the school's secured area, school personnel will scan their identification through the Raptor Visitor Management System. School personnel will print a badge with the person's name, date, time, and destination in the school building. 

    The visitor will then wear this badge while in the building, allowing for easy identification of all guests.

    If a visitor is not cleared to be in the building or deemed a threat, the office can be cleared and locked down until assistance arrives, and minimal staff would be at risk.

    The secured entrance and the visitor management system is a process to add a layer of protection to our students and staff members within our schools.