• The following information comes from the presentation given to Freshmen/Sophomores by Corey Nesslege and Brad Sutterer. You can also see the entire PowerPoint presentation as a pdf file here.

    NCAA 2.3

    NCAA Division I

    1. Full Qualifier- competition, athletics aid (scholarship), and practice/compete year #1
    2. Academic Redshirt- athletics aid year 1, practice in first regular academic term (semester or quarter)
    3. Non-qualifier- no athletics aid, practice or competition the first year

    Full Qualifier

    • 16 NCAA approved Core Courses-10 must be completed by the beginning of 7th semester
    • Minimum GPA of 2.3 in core courses
    • Graduate from high school

    Academic Red-Shirt

    • 16 Core Courses-10 must be completed by the beginning of 7th semester
    • Minimum GPA of 2.00-2.299 in core courses
    • Minimum ACT sum or SAT score (critical reading/math only that matches the 16 core course GPA)


    • Can not receive scholarship during year 1
    • Can not practice or compete during year 1

    NCAA Division II

    1. Graduate High School
    2. Complete a minimum of 16 core courses
    3. Present a minimum of 2.2 core-course grade point average
    4. Present a minimum 820 SAT score (critical reading and math only or 68 sum ACT score qualifying test score on either the ACT or SAT)


    • Practice and compete, receive athletic scholarship, Play 4 seasons in your sport.


    • Can practice at it’s home facility, Athletic scholarship, can not compete for first year, can play 4 seasons in your sport


    • Cannot practice or compete during first year, can not receive athletic scholarship, can play for 4 seasons

    Thinking of going pro . . .

    Estimated probability of competing in NCAA athletics beyond high school

    Student-Athletes All Sports Men's Basketball Women's Basketball Football Baseball Men's Ice Hockey Men's Soccer
    High School Student-Athletes 7,400,000 538,700 433,100 1,100,000 474,800 35,200 411,000
    NCAA Student-Athletes 460,000 18,000 16,200 70,100 32,500 4,000 23,400
    Percentage Moving from High School to NCAA 6% 3% 4% 6% 7% 11% 6%
    Percentage Moving from NCAA to Professional 2% 1% 1% 2% 9% 1% 2%


    Grade 9

    • Ask your counselor for a list of your high school’s NCAA core courses to make sure you take the right classes.

    Grade 10

    Grade 11

    • Check with your counselor to make sure you will graduate on time with the required number of NCAA core courses.
    • Take the ACT or SAT and submit your scores to the NCAA using code 9999.
    • At the end of the year, ask your counselor to upload your official transcript to the NCAA Eligibility Center.

    Grade 12


    Core GPA