8th Grade

  • Algebra I

    Algebra 1 provides a bridge from the study of patterns and relationships in previous grades to the study of functions, algebraic relationships, and the development of advanced mathematical reasoning skills. This course will help prepare today’s students for tomorrow’s world by involving students in exploring and discovering math concepts, connecting algebra to the real world and to other subjects, and by integrating technology as a problem-solving tool.

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  • Earth Science

    In the first unit of Earth Science in Eighth Grade, students will work toward showing best practices as a scientist through mastering inquiry-based practices, shifting to understanding the “Why” of foundational Earth Science Practices, starting with heat and density. In unit two, students will work toward formulating an answer to questions such as: “What is Earth’s place in the Universe, What makes up our solar system and how can the motion of Earth explain seasons and eclipses, and "How do people figure out that the Earth and life on Earth have changed through time?” In unit three, students will work toward formulating an answer to several essential question​s.

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  • Eighth Grade Math

    In this course, instructional time should focus on three critical areas: (1) formulating and reasoning about expressions and equations, including modeling an association in bivariate data with a linear equation, and solving linear equations and systems of linear equations; (2) grasping the concept of a function and using functions to describe quantitative relationships; (3) analyzing two- and three-dimensional space and figures using distance, angle, similarity, and congruence, and understanding and applying the Pythagorean Theorem.

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  • Encore/Electives

    The Association for Middle Level Education notes that exploratory courses are a key component of successful middle schools, offering regularly scheduled, short-term enrichment experiences in which students can investigate chosen areas of knowledge and interest. Nipher and North Kirkwood Middle Schools each offer students a number of encore/elective classes, as extensions of other curricular areas and/or as opportunities to explore new areas of interest. Courses range from several weeks to a full year, depending on the grade level, school, and purpose of the course.

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  • English Language Arts

    Eighth Grade English Language Arts encourages students to examine themselves, their society, and most importantly, the role they play within the world. Students will analyze text through personal reflection, small group discussion, and whole class activities.

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  • Health

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  • Library Media

    Library skills at the middle school build upon information literacy skills from the elementary level but begin to go beyond locating and noticing to seeking and creating. Library skills are not taught in isolation but rather integrated throughout all of the subject areas and courses students take throughout middle school.

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  • Physical Education

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  • Social Studies: World History to 1450

    Students will build their conceptual understanding of change and continuity while they trace the impact of ancient cultures on modern world issues. Students will look at human origins, ancient civilizations, the rise of empires, and the development of world religions.

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